What the Feminine Is Doing In Wake of the Election Results 

What the Feminine Is Doing In Wake of the Election Results 

This article explores the history of how Black Women have championed underrepresented groups, including ourselves, the future of the feminine as a direct result of the election, and the spiritually intuitive messaging women have been receiving about the history taking place right now.

Black Women’s Response

The collective response from Black women at this time is not to fight. It is to check out. Meaning: Black women are no longer available for nurturing, activism and support. Black women are not a monolith, some of us are strengthening our fight at this time. But many are tired of the playing the archetype of mother and warrior for America. 

The results that indicate Kamala Harris has lost the presidency is not a blow to the ego nor a just a lost opportunity for us to finally be chosen, respected and given a chance. The real desire for Kamala Haris to take the seat as president speaks to the role of protector we have played since before America was founded. Black women have been the lowest citizens in this country while also climbing to places of high accomplishment. Thus, we have a unique view no one else has, being women and Black, and this perspective is invaluable to the future wellbeing of all citizens of the United States. 

Black women have been screaming for 400 years for people to listen, not just for the sake of our own future, but for the lives of everyone. Abuse and oppression starts with the most vulnerable of our society first. Once its possible there, it travels up to those who are positioned in places of privilege. In a way, this makes us fortune tellers, and we see the signs of when injustice is being seeded. 

Rallying behind Kamala Harris was our last effort on this front. Now its like we have to let the chips fall where they will and let everyone find out for themselves. 

When Roe v Wade was overturned, so many called parallels to Handmaid Tale, a book turned series “futuristic” dystopian about  women who become property and are forced to have children. What is not often noted is that everything that happens in the sick and horrific world of Gilead, has already happened to Black Women in the United States on a systemic level. 

So while Black women have endured oppression with grace and been at the forefront of movements such as MeToo, feminism, Civil Rights, abolitionist activism, Black Lives Matter and social activism, we have never been given the trust, validation, support, or resources. Essentially we have been the mules of society. Enduring the work but receiving no respect. 

Black women have provided the offspring that gave the free labor that allowed America to ever exist in the first place. This country is literally birthed from our wombs. 

But we are no longer giving our lifeforce to holding up this country. It has gotten us nowhere and it is time to put this work down. I see this going two ways. More of our systems will crumble and minorities will be further disenfranchised, or everyone will evolve without the help of the mothers of society and figure it out on their own.

The Future of the Feminine 

Even before the election, a reckoning has been happening between the masculine and feminine. We can observe many levels of the human experience to explain. 

Women were just recently afforded rights during the 70’s to buy homes and have their own bank accounts. When we were no longer forced to depend on men for survival, we were able to soar and even surpass them. 

Astrologically, the collective Chiron, the wound of the zodiac, is in Aries the pioneer and warrior of the zodiac, from 2019 until 2027. For men this means confronting wounds around traditional masculinity, insecurities and worth. For women this means claiming our independence, self expression and assertiveness. 

It is simply time to further dismantle the patriarchy. Women are making themselves less available to men and decentering them from our lives. In a way we are abandoning them if they refuse to catch up. 

In South Korea, women have been participating in a 4B movement. They are opting out of dating men, having sex with them and having children. Before the election, talks about participating were circulating in the US. Now, a lot of women are preparing to join. 

Women are enraged. Tired of being subject to the abuse, violence, sexual assault, disrespect and disregard from men, as well the systems that allow it to take place. They are getting their license to carry firearms, learning how to defend themselves and creating lives where they have to come into contact with men as little as possible. 

A line from the Barbie movie comes to my mind. The Kens brainwash the Barbies and create a patriarchal hell out of Barbie world. The Barbies find a way to liberate themselves and after, Ken admits he wasn't really that interested after he found out patriarchy wasn’t just about horses, he just didn't know what to do with himself without Barbie. 

Then she says to him “You have to figure out who you are without me.” 

I think thats where men are at this point. The construct of manhood has been so much about power, domination and hierarchy, which needs someone to have power over, and that has been mostly been women. They don't know what it is to be men separate from their relation to women. At this time, the feminine is being called to detach from men and let them figure it out. 

The Spiritual and Intuitive Messaging 

This is where the article takes a slight turn (if it hadn’t already with some of my radical perspectives). 

I believe in viewing all things on multiple levels–physical, spiritual and everything in between. 

So now I want to discuss the spiritual messages and feelings many women have been receiving at this time.

This election is giving plot twist. This is not going to be a simple outcome. I was hesitant to discuss this because I did not want to sound like a group of people who went to D.C on January 6th. But when I went online and saw so many women communicate the same intuitive feelings, I knew I wasn't being delusional. Furthermore, the difference is, if we’re wrong, we are not going to riot. We’ll be too busy taking measures to ensure we’re safe the next 4 years. 

The consensus is: Many women woke up on November 6th between 2-4am feeling dread, checked their phones for the results, then proceeded to be enraged the remainder of the day but somehow felt a calm and peace and the feeling that it wasn't over, that there is more to the situation. 

As I discussed this with my spirit guides when I woke up here is what they told me “Hold on tight, hang in there. There is more to it, he will not be president.” 

Intuitives, channels and anyone who is spiritually in tune have known for some time that a big transition was coming, and that things would get increasingly more confusing and weird. In fact, anyone alive on the planet at this time came here because they knew it would be a time of great change and wanted to be here to witness it.

Pluto, a planet that takes 248 years to move through the zodiac is moving out of Capricorn and into Aquarius on November 19th where it will be fo the next 20 years. Pluto in Capricorn was about structure, tradition, discipline and how we sacrifice ourselves for security. Pluto in Aquarius is about revelation (revealing), AI, the collective and finding security within one self instead of from external systems. 

This signals to much change.

Because these are feelings and intuitive hits from the unseen, there is no way to have supporting evidence, which is a theme of Pluto in Capricorn vs Pluto in Aquarius. It is why society has functioned in this way for so long. Its a value to believe what you see over what you believe. And for some that is the most skillful way to live life. But many are taking a new path, which is really an ancient one that knows you believe first, then you see. 

We create our reality. Neuroscience has proven we have what is called a Reticular Activating System which serves as a selective filter in our brain based on what we tell it is important. For example the RAS system funnels our choices, what we see and what we remember, which aids in creating the reality we experience. That focus and those choices is what shapes our life. Depending on what our RAS is tuned into and programmed with can create a whole different life experience entirely. 

An RAS focused on feeling not good enough, thinking no one can be trusted and lack will create a life of unfulfilling jobs, being constantly screwed over by people and avoiding choices that can bring abundance. An RAS focused on curiosity, feeling worthy and compassion for others will create a life of connection, earning money easily and having fun.

So during this time, what do you want to focus on? 

As far as the election, I think something illegal will come out and I think Kamala’s team is looking into it right now. She was a prosecutor of systems, organizations and big banks, so this is what she does. She’s skilled in finding evidence and prosecuting big crime.

Or maybe some of his (I won’t speak his name) other illegal acts will be revealed, making him unqualified to be President.

What is happening is also a lesson many need. Big events often jolt us awake, exposing new perspectives and information we didn't have before. I don't know what that lesson is but it feels like themes of truths being exposed. 

The energy feels like a when a plane is about to take off.

This is why its important at his time to have energetic boundaries. There is a theory that because our realities are merely a projection of our consciousness, we don't all live in the same one. Think of how you would plug in to a video game. Life is your game to play, it comes with your own experience, challenges and pov. It is your own field and level. Just because you can see someone else’s reality, does not mean it is yours. 

Be careful with taking in what you’re seeing and hearing. Events in life are invitations, you can accept or decline. You can react how you wish. Use discernment to decide how you want to interact with the current energies and storyline. Feel your feelings but try not to let it sweep you away. Do not waver from the timeline, attitude and state of being you have chosen. 

Without invalidating reality, trust yourself, trust love and everyday create and engage with the world you want to live in, in any small or big ways you can.