What Happens Next - The USA and the Globe?

The world is becoming intense, chaotic, and unsettling. However, there’s no need to be alarmed. In this essay, I want to share why you don’t need to worry, what’s happening is more good than bad, and remind you that you are powerful.

Reprogramming Current Events

We’ve been conditioned to believe that the events we’re witnessing signal the end of the world. Whether it’s UAP sightings, symptoms of late-stage capitalism, or weather changes (not dismissing global warming), these developments often evoke more fear than hope. For example, the term “apocalypse” actually means revealing, not the end of the world.

What is truly happening is a shift from an old paradigm and system to a new, enlightened way of being. Just as a bone must be re-broken to heal properly, the air feels fresher after a storm, we shed and bleed to clean our womb, and caterpillars must break down their form to become butterflies. Destruction often leads to renewal.

We’ve been told that breaking things down signifies failure, but what if it’s actually a process of shining a new light into what once was? Many ancient texts, including some from the Bible, have been interpreted to forecast signs of the end: people leaving religion, sexual freedom, war, natural disasters, and increased activity in the skies. but this isn’t necessarily the end of the world. It is the end of a society rooted in corruption, imbalance, and oppression. For those who have profited from these systems like billionaires, oil magnates, and politicians their reign is crumbling. Yes, this transition may be bumpy, but understanding what it truly signifies makes the process smoother.

You Chose to Be Here

You chose to be on Earth during this transformative time. You were excited to witness this change and to be part of creating it. As things crumble around us, trust that what no longer serves our higher collective expression is falling away. This leaves fertile ground for new systems rooted in love, freedom, and community to emerge.

Aliens, War, and Nuclear Weapons

We are approaching a moment of open contact, where aliens and interdimensional beings may interact with us. While some theorize that plasma orbs may be evidence of this, no concrete scientific proof has been established at this time.

Aliens have been on Earth for thousands of years, and many have played a role in shaping our DNA. You can watch this video to learn more. Some may not have our best interests at heart, but many are more advanced meaning they have surpassed survival mode and achieved unity consciousness. They understand that separation is an illusion, and that we are all part of a greater whole, one consciousness.

They are not here to save us, but to assist in protecting Earth. This planet is a universal garden holding the DNA of many extraterrestrial beings. Earth itself is a living, conscious entity. As humans navigate this transitional period, the possibility of war looms large. We are facing choices of how we will usher in this new era, they are here to ensure nuclear weapons are not used. 

Unfortunately, some individuals in power lack the maturity and consciousness needed to avoid these levels of destructive actions.

I believe the UAP’s are not aliens at all. The objects all over the new are the government’s way of trying to control the narrative as well as evoke fear and test out our reaction. Government and military also have technology that projects large and advanced holograms. You can see examples of this here.

The narratives of alien invasions portrayed in films have led many to believe that fear is warranted, but other species do not operate in the same way. Humans are still grappling with themes of war, control, and power, but many other realms operate from a place of love and unity.

Those in “Power”

The recent assassination of the United Healthcare CEO is part of this unfolding. While it is tragic that a life was lost, and many more taken and suffering through horrific healthcare practices, it is crucial to understand the complex dynamics at play. We are never victims; we are creators of our reality. Even in moments of suffering, we hold the power to shift our perspective and move toward higher good.

On a spiritual level, both the assassin and the assassinated chose these roles out of love to guide us toward deeper understanding. We are not alone in this journey. Despite our disagreements, we are all working toward the same goal: creating a world that operates from love and compassion.

The trend of “up vs. down” rather than left vs. right reflects a collective understanding that oppressive systems must be dismantled. By uniting beyond political divisions, we can shift collective consciousness toward peace and love.

Leaders in power understand how reality works and seek to shape our dreams. But we can reclaim our power by creating new visions for the future. We are not powerless, our imagination is a powerful tool that shapes our 3D reality.

On another level, these oligarchs are here to play their role that is both a collective agreement as well as service to their own sovereign life path. They play the contrast that helps us choose the world we really want. And they offer an opportunity for us to radically accept and love all that comes with this life. That is the actual path to heaven on Earth.

Not cherry picking and invalidating what we experience but honoring it as part of the whole. From that viewpoint, we have so much power to choose what we prefer and shift our timeline with the beautiful force of pure creation.

The Presidential Inauguration and Creating a New World

You hold the ultimate power to shape the world you experience. You can experience these changes through fear or through surrender and love. Each of us carries unique divine codes which are our passions, talents, and perspectives acting as guiding lights for creating new possibilities.

For example, if a tragedy is happening in your community, you might not be able to control it, but you can offer your unique energy to the situation. Whether it’s through your words, cooking, art, leadership, or community outreach, your contributions influence outcomes. Together, we can create systems that reflect a higher consciousness such as healing centers, new educational systems, farms and paths toward abundance.

Shift the narrative. Leaders are not our oppressors, they are projections we’ve created to challenge us. By offering compassion, even to those who resist change, we invite transformation. Love, not fear or hate, is what builds new worlds.

This is our opportunity to lead, not follow. Let’s build a future rooted in compassion, unity, and understanding together.

Lead those oppressive power players into healing by building the momentum of compassion on this planet. They will have no choice but surrender because they will no longer be receiving our energy of fight and fear. 

The more we see them as our evil overlords the more they will play that role. But if we reclaim our knowing that these are our communities to nurture and build and that we will not accept anything but love and understanding, we starve that old narrative and paradigm.